Renee's Experience at Lakeside Music Academy

Renee's Experience at Lakeside Music Academy

Mar 1 · 1 min read

What initially attracted you to work for our company?

I loved the idea of being able to do what I do best-teach music-and let the company handle the logistics.

Can you describe your journey and experience working here so far?

When my family first moved here, I had trouble finding 'my place' a bit. Being welcomed into my family's homes and traveling around the greater Minneapolis area helped me find a sense of community and belonging.

What aspects of our company do you find most appealing or unique?

Teaching lessons at families' homes! Students are more comfortable, parents are more in touch, and I can offer input if their piano needs attention.

What do you appreciate most about the students you work with?

Genuine heart, curiosity, hard work, and the enjoyment they have learning music.

Can you share a specific achievement that you are proud to have been a part of?

It's difficult to pick one! I am proud of all my students and each offers something special and unique. They also have their own unique challenges we work together on. For one student it was mastering something all on their own, without much intervention from me. For another it was being able to successfully play with a metronome. Another, fluently naming notes in bass clef.

How would you describe the leadership/management style within the company?

Supportive and visionary. I also feel the freedom and trust to make decisions about teaching and scheduling.

Is there anything else you'd like to add or share about your experience with our company?

I have been in the situation where I had to be in charge of creating and enforcing my own policies, finances, recruiting, and scheduling as well as all the responsibilities of pedagogy, literature, planning, and instructing. Now I have the space to focus on the human and meet their musical needs.

Courtney Malloy
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