best music teacher in plymouth

Private Lessons - Hannah Mae Swanson

private lessons with Hannah Mae Swanson

Hannah Mae Swanson


Hannah has been working as a music instructor, collaborative pianist, and music director since 2015. Hannah first began teaching her own independent piano studio in the summer of 2015 and soon moved on to teach at a few different music academies and schools. She loves working with students of all ages and ability levels and enjoys teaching piano across all sorts of genres. Outside of teaching, Hannah also has vast experience accompanying individual vocalists and instrumentalists as well as ensembles and loves to music direct in the realms of musical theatre and opera. Hannah has her bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance from North Dakota State University and her master’s degree in Collaborative Piano Performance from the University of Northern Colorado. Hannah currently resides in Saint Paul, MN with her cat Cosmos. She serves on Bemidji MusiCamp’s board of directors, works as a freelance musician around Minnesota, and loves her role teaching at Lakeside Music Academy!

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